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Our story

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Founders Zumma, Marinella Pinate, Fernanda de la Colina y Daniela Lascurain

Zumma was founded un 2022 by a team with expertise in financial services and technology with the vision of helping latin american people overcome their most important financial challenges through technology.


Zumma is a platform that offers different products and services that help entrepreneurs to take control of their business´ finances along with their financial assistant, Zummi.

Our mision

To transform the life of people in Latin America through technology.

Our vision

We help people in Latin America overcome their most important financial challenges through technology.

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Equipo Zumma, Marinella Pinate, Daniela Lascurain, Fernanda de la Colina, Carlos Chinchilla, Carlos Cuamatzin, Estrellita Campos

Our values


We communicate in an honest, transparent, and assertive manner to build relationships that transcend in order to reach our full potential.

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We are motivated to learn day by day and we have the courage to face uncertainty and always seek out-of-the-box solutions.


We are committed to creating an environment of trust and belonging where your decisions have an impact on Zumma, and Zumma has an impact on your life.


We enjoy the journey while taking care of ourselves and maintaining balance in our lives.

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We strive every day to meet our goals and we don't give up.


We are changing the world one day at a time by being the change we seek and want to see.

Committed to causes

Meet the team

Supported by

Zumma instiruciones que nos respaldan, lugares donde hemos participado
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Made with ❤️ in CDMX, Caracas, San Francisco & Valencia (Spain)

Contact us:
      +52 (55) 4808 1624

© 2023 by Zumma.

*Tuzumma Asesor en Inversiones Independiente, S.A.P.I. of C.V. (“Zumma”) es un asesor en inversiones independiente registrado ante la Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (“CNBV”)  de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos con el número de folio 30184-001-(16375)-08/18/2023.

La Comisión supervisa exclusivamente la prestación de servicios de gestión de carteras de valores cuando las decisiones de inversión se toman en nombre y por cuenta de terceros, así como los servicios que consisten en proporcionar asesoramiento en inversiones sobre valores, análisis y emisión de recomendaciones de inversión de manera individualizada. Por lo tanto, carece de facultades para supervisar o regular cualquier otro servicio prestado por Asesores de Inversión.


La inscripción en el registro de Asesores de Inversión mantenido por la Comisión en términos de la Ley del Mercado de Valores no implica la adhesión de los Asesores de Inversión a las disposiciones aplicables a los servicios prestados, ni la exactitud o veracidad de la información proporcionada.

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